As noted earlier, we’re able to let you or any organization you invite into this campaign just who among their friend, members or mailing list responded to the Sign4ERA petition.
How to add a special tracking code to the SIGN4ERA Petition
In Word, type in the petition url:
This will automatically create a hyperlink to the petition website . Return to the Word document. Highlight the hyperlink to the website like this:
Then right click and go to Edit Hyperlink…
Then on the Text to Display (see below) – keep the –
In the Address: keep the URL but add a backslash after .org and then add ? (a question mark) followed by the tracking letters, for this sample, it is – /?mycode – substituting the “mycode” sample for your or your organization’s initials of your choice.
Thus, what appears is
but with the code, it would be
You can add any letter after a – ? – as in /?VaNOW for Virginia NOW or /?LWVNY for League of Women Voters NY –
Once you’ve sent your message(s) with the tracking code let us know the code by emailing us at org and we’lI send along a list of respondents. If you have questions about tracking codes just email and we’ll give you all the help you need.