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Organizations Have a Special Role to Play!

Urge every organization you which you belong to spread the word and conduct a campaign in the organization’s name.

Scores of women’s rights, civil rights, human rights, LGBTQ rights, professional and social organizations are urging their members to Sign4ERA. 

Make sure you urge every organization you belong to do the same.  AND…send them a copy of this SIGN4ERA.ORG Toolkit so they have no excuse to delay acting immediately.   If they have questions about this campaign, you can’t answer just ask them to contact and we’ll answer their questions.

The Sample Messages and Graphics Section of this Toolkit contains examples that organizations can easily adapt and customized for their use.

It’s also important to stress that the names and contact information of an organization’s members who sign the Petition will NOT be shared, rented or use for any purpose other than growing the size of the Petition list.

EVEN BETTER….the organization will be given the list of every member who signs the Petition provided the organization uses a special tracking code and let’s the know what it is.  [See next Section on Tracking]